Gone are the days when IBM computers cost $ 500,000, gone are the pencil days and the times when computers solely worked as flight simulators for use by MIT pilots. The tech-world is fast evolving with innovations hitting the markets day in day out. Learning technological tools continue to dominate the education arena in the universe as developers spend sleepless nights working on the most efficient and result oriented platforms. Education applications and software is the current order of society. The use of more robust tools like smart phones and iPads is taking the world by storm.
Online learning is increasingly becoming an appealing way of studying. Online bookstores, libraries and the web are currently the dominant sources of information. Education enthusiasts have a smoother time in accessing reading materials as opposed to perusing through bulky novels, literature, religious or educational books. Google books and Amazon now command the largest market share in trading on online books. This shows that the digital revolution is on its take off. I foresee a world without physical books in a near future as soon as 20 years from now. Every person should strive towards such a lovely world without destruction of forests, as this would save the environment a great deal.
Technology is a tireless teacher in that students can access it at any time thus making it reliable and convenient. Individualized feedback to students is the key for any successful technology. This feedback gives automatic corrections to pupils hence saving on time. At the same time, every learner gets the necessary attention that a classroom teacher would have otherwise taken 10 times more to attend to each learner. An example is MPrep’s revision platform whereby students get individualized feedback for quizzes. Students can therefore know the correct answers without consulting anybody. Furthermore, MPrep’s platform has thousands of quizzes tailor made for the Kenyan curriculum. The revision tool also helps in providing accurate analytics, it grades students automatically hence helping them improve on performance.
Technology encourages an active rather than a passive participation of students. It promotes good health, for example, use of white boards eliminates the use of chalk, which is a major cause of respiratory diseases. Through DVDs, online mode and through other multimedia tools, creation of lesson plans and saving of notes becomes a simple task. To add to that, distance learning is encouraged hence improving productivity while lowering the cost of education.
Take this to the bank, “Truth be told, our daily lives cannot go on without technology in the current age.” The world now lives, eats and drinks Technology.